
Species: Great Horned Owl
Nicknames: Ein, Stein, Stein-o-mite
Sex: Female
Hatched: 1994
Arrived: 1994
Condition: Human imprint (orphaned)
Einstein’s Story:
When Einstein was just a young chick in a nest, her nest tree was cut down by a farmer. The farmer didn’t know there was an owl nest in the tree, and when he realized what had happened he immediately called a wildlife rehabilitation centre.
It’s incredibly important for owls – and other creatures that care for their young – to be raised by their own species. Because of this, orphaned baby owls at rehab centres are given to foster parents. These captive owls raise the babies as their own, and the young birds can then be released to live in the wild.
Unfortunately Einstein was not given to a foster parent quickly enough, spending too much time and interacting too closely with her human caregivers. She became human imprinted, which means that she identifies with people and does not understand how to be an owl in the wild.
Einstein now lives with us at Wild Ontario, and is an absolute showstopper with every audience. Her size and power never fail to grab attention, and she helps us to teach all about the incredible owls we share our province with.
Great Horned Owls are one of the largest and most powerful owls in Ontario. They live in forests, woodlots, farms, suburbs, and even cities across our province, where they prey on nearly any other animal that lives there. Although they live all around us, Great Horned Owls are masters of camouflage, and spotting one requires a good eye and plenty of patience!