
Species: Barred Owl
Nicknames: Mo, Slo-Mo
Sex: Presumed male
Hatched: Unknown
Arrived: 2015
Condition: Wing and eye injury (hit by car)
Mowat’s Story:
Mowat was admitted to the Owl Foundation in early 2015 after an accident that is all too common for owls: he was hit by a car. He was suffering from head trauma and a wing injury, and was unable to stand or fly properly. After a period of treatment at the Owl Foundation, he was transferred to Shades of Hope Wildlife Refuge for long-term rehabilitation.
The symptoms of his head trauma improved significantly, but there was lasting damage to one of his eyes that impaired his vision. His wing also sustained permanent damage that made him a weak flyer. After extensive treatment and physical therapy, the staff at Shades of Hope determined that he was non-releasable.
Mowat joined Wild Ontario later that year, and we began the slow and careful process of trustbuilding and training. Mowat’s calm demeanour and enchanting eyes make him a fan-favourite in our programs, and his story helps us share an important message about the effects of roads on wildlife!
Barred Owls are residents of Ontario’s forests, especially in the central and northern parts of the province. They likely accompany you when you are cottaging or camping, but they are seldom seen while they sleep in the day. At night, listen for their distinctive hooting in the pattern of “who cooks for you, who cooks for you all?”.